A Typical Year for the Association

The Association draws members from about 1 in 3 households in West Park. It responds to the issues which are brought to the Associations attention by concerned local residents. For instance, recent years have seen the Association being involved in commenting on several planning applications, LeedsMet parking, the future of the West Park Centre and NGT all of which have in some way been detrimental to the character of the general area.

The Association serves to bring issues to the attention of as many local residents as is possible, and so allow the community to comment on or take action to resolve these issues.

The Annual General Meeting is typically held at the beginning of April in the local area. Details are usually circulated throughout the area in March. Local councillors and the local MP are invited to this meeting, along with other representatives from the Council, or local schools (for instance).

The AGM provides for the election of the Association's three officers - the Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer - together with Committee members. The Committee can have up to 10 members, as defined by the Constitution.

Since 2006 the Association has distributed a Newsletter (the Chronicle) to all residents across the West Park area, typically in the Spring, Summer and the Autumn or whenever there is a matter of local interest. These Chronicles are available on this site at WPRA Newsletters.

The Association has an email circulation list, and is setting up a distribution list for non-email members. This enables the Association to quickly contact members regarding any important issues which occur during the year.

The Committee meets regularly throughout the year to discuss and take action on matters affecting the area. These can be ongoing issues, concerns raised by local residents, proposed local developments or anything which could potentially affect the life of the local community or the character of the area.

Every effort has been made to try to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct. If it is felt that any detail is incorrect, please contact us at chair@westparkresidents.org.uk


09/07/2024June 24 committee meeting minutes.pdf
04/03/2024Newsletter AGM invitation March 2024 .pdf
08/02/2024PACT report Jan 2024.pdf
06/09/2022august 2022 committee meeting notes.pdf
06/09/2022AGM 2022 Invitation.pdf
18/01/2022Congestion in West Park on Sunday 23.pdf
11/03/2021More on Plans for a New Airport Terminal.pdf
25/06/2020LCC coronavirus news and Airport expansion plans.pdf
18/05/2020Airport expansion plans submitted.pdf
15/03/2020AGM postponed.pdf